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Re: [microsound] myspace and deleuze

lodge yourself on a stratum, experiment
with the oppertunities it offers, find an advantageous place on it,
find potential movements of deterritorialization, possible lines of
flight, experience them, produce flow conjunctions here and there,
try out continuums of intensities segment by segment, have a small
plot of new land at all times."

The important question for us might be, how can we do this in a space
like MySpace?

- Scott Carver


- Post your most representative work for streaming and/or download to the site.
- Fill in the information fields with your details and otherwise customize your profile.
- Find the most accurate shorthand aesthetic categories you can from what is provided, so people can search for you.. thats why theyre there.
- Find people that dig/make similar/compatible stuff (preferably artists as they will have afficionados of their own in tow) and 'friend' them up.
- Post a small but effective ad in these individuals comments after they accept your 'friend' request. Others will pick you up out of curiosity.
- When you have something news worthy, add it to the blog, and post periodic bulletins about it, which people on your 'flist' will recieve.
- Gigs/events, do above, plus add to your events calendar.

Personal example;
This has netted me about 10 new 'friends' per day, with about double to triple that for just casual listeners/profile viewers.
And I'm really really lazy about doing things like advert comments, so I'm positive I could be netting a ton more if I cared enough to do so.

This is all cross applicable, to whatever degree, on other sites as well.

Others have tactics to share? I'm sure there are plenty.

Hope this helps,

~ !J!

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