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Re: [microsound] blogger error?

There is apparently a feature of blogger where if you can subscribe and
email address to blogger and the email is posted on your blog. But
there is some error that rejects posts and sends the error to the
person who sent the post instead of to the holder of the blogger

I've complained to blogger and they pretty mcuh have done nothing and
probably won't until enough people complain about it.

please send a complaint to support@xxxxxxxxxxx

--- Graham Miller <grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> i get that too... what's the deal?
> On 11-Jul-06, at 9:43 PM, Xdugef wrote:
> > I'd be happier if blogger would stop sending me error messages
> every
> > time I post to this list.
> >
> > Adrian
> >
> > -
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