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Re: [microsound] Re: Socio/political implications of microsound music?

Thanks Gregory.. I agree with you in a great many ways.


On 7/1/06, Gregory Taylor <gtaylor@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Since it's quite simple to have one's opinions take on a
> proscriptive or normative cast whenever poltics is
> involved [and since I find it annoying when I am the
> recipient thereof], this is opinion only - and may be
> a worthless comment to you.
> My sense is that in situations where someone in a
> position of power has a vested interest in obscuring
> the difference between "different" and "bad" and an
> equal interest in rendering anyone who *is* different
> in ways that turn them from individuals into some kind
> of cipher, bogeyman, or an "other," then the act of
> engaging the senses in any way that shows you a
> different world and does so in a way that the person
> or persons who made the "different" thing are seen
> as real people or individuals becomes a kind of
> sociopolitical act.
> I don't personally think that it's enough in such times
> to merely be cranking out formalisms, myself; I
> believe that the act of mediating difference certainly
> involves listening, but takes place in a social setting
> where real people are in contact with each other. If
> that sounds like more work than merely cranking
> out pieces, then I'd agree. But I also think that the
> sociopolitical engagement, as such, need not be
> propositional - merely personal. If there's any bad
> news to holding that opinion, it might be that one
> would be called upon to explain or make account
> of one's perceptions and intentions and explain
> to outsiders *why* one values something. I am
> always a little chagrined to discover how tempting
> it is to engage in the same kind of "of course this
> is great, you idiot - can't you *hear* it?" that used
> to so annoy me when adults foisted Mozart or
> Goethe or Hiroshige or Oefs Mornay on me, but
> there you have it.
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