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[microsound] ...the seattle improv scene
I was reading a notice for upcoming events and in trying to find more
text regarding one of the performers ran across a review by Christopher
Delaurenti of the group Na.
"Na, the trio of Noriaki Watanabe, Shinsuke Yamada, and Kazz Nomura,
who sometimes wear robes or homemade hats. You may have picked up one
of their free CD-Rs at Wall of Sound or Everyday Music. "We have made
1460 Copies since June.15. 2004, received 2 E-mails, and earned $0."
declares the tattered insert of the na#7 Live!!!! CD-R."
(From October 2004.)
I was intrigued since I have a c.d. titled 'Shinsuke #2' given to me
by a friend of mine who, although he was one of the persons making the
sound , the last time I spoke with him didn't consider himself a
musician. Not being a musician in seattle carries certain privileges
and for that reason I won't drag his good name in the dirt just to
appear that I have something to say.
The c.d. is very good , leaves me clear-headed serene and inspired ,
though for no obvious reason. It's likely that Shinsuke Yamada had
nothing to do with it, though it's possible that he contributed. It's
also possible that the c.d. case was made by him and later used to
house another recording. The last track is a very brief sound of a few
milliseconds which loops spontaneously and changes , keeps changing
indefinitely . I don't know if it behaves the same way on everybody's
player. Questions about the technical aspect didn't bring me any new
Anyway, if you're in the Seattle or Portland area this weekend you
might be interested in the No West Festival of Improvised Music.
see: http://www.makejetsilent.com/nowest/
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