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Re: [microsound] elephapples and applphants
The only offense is the total lack of any sense of humor... for example
when I put ";-)" at the end of a sentence that means I'm ribbing you.
"politics at beast".. haha .. how freudian ;-) ;-) again I'm joking
don't proceed to correct me on how this is or isn't freudian.. or in
now way related to marx, socialism or stockhausen. I dont' care. wink
wink wink
Lighten up allready.. seriously if every thread needs to include
socialist dogma then retitle the list as "microsocialist" or something
like that. Or at least include a warning on the homepage "all ye who
enter beware PHD level discussion of Marxism". ;-) <- note the winking.
thanks to all who took me up on a discussion of Perl.. I actually got
some usefull information out of that.. kudos to those who want to talk
about sound... I come here for that and that alone.
Here's a track I completed recently.. the title is not meant to be
--- Kim Cascone <kim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Doesn't placing "value" on art make one a capitalist? ;-)
> no offense meant in what I am about to say here at all and I intend
> full respect:
> but it is statements like these that make any debate difficult on
> politics at beast without it turning into a hamstrung tutorial that
> is then argued every step of the way with inaccurate comparisons and
> partly understood contexts...in other words in order to debate this
> intelligently you need much more information...
> placing 'value' does not make one a capitalist any more than looking
> at pastries in a bakery makes you a baker...maybe not a good analogy
> but I'm only on my first cuppa Joe
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