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Re: [microsound] Serious Artist?

> Also (re: Aaron) - is it impossible to be an open-source serious artist
> then?

Well, "open-source" doesn't meen free as in beer...

....but I take your point and would say that while my comment was partly in
jest, it is actually a useful instrumental definition... and that it's
only reinforced by the fact that things open-source on the one hand or
free as in beer on the other are both relatively disregarded and treated
with skepticism in the world at large. That's an observation, not a

Fwiw I've found both hosting concerts and selling CDRs that most people in
my culture (for good or ill) without reflection assume something expensive
is more worthwhile than something free.  E.g. when I charge you $10 for a
show you'll pay more attention and assume the artists are "serious," if I
let you in free it's 50/50 whether you'll even show up. The CD/CDR
debate is another morph of this.

Me, I like participating in projects that poke at these factoids (e.g. the
droplift compilation)... and make almost all my work available for free
online...  but still must reckon with the consequences (e.g. not one
"legit" label has ever followed through on an offer to put something of
mine out... other factors such as sucking may be at play, but I don't
think that's the *only* reason...).

YMMV of course.



  |  quod omne animal post   |
  |  cogitum est triste...   |

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