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Re: [microsound] Re: group idea catalog
6º 3 is always a composition of 2.
yes, indeed, as i (don't) undestand, it is a kind of hyperlink. but it would
be direct, in the same computer environment as you write emails. or not if
you build a easy access app to all members. _And_ it is dedicated to ideas
related to why the authors are in the discussion group. not emails like i am
writing now.
strangelly, it makes sense to me, maybe the city pollution, heavy metals.
2006/9/9, Exegene <exegene@xxxxxxxx>:
> 0.a |- all_X all_Y (X=Y <=> all_z (z_in_X <=> z_in_Y))
> .b |- some_X all_x (~(x_in_X))
> .c |- all_x some_Y all_z (z_in_Y <=> z = x)
> .d |- all_x all_y all_Z all_w (w_in_Z <=> w = x OR w = y)
> ...
> More seriously, isn't this what hyperlinks are for? Possibly of the sort
> pointing at a wiki? The computer is at the disposal of every
> .microsounder., offering librarian drudgery as automation. If any
> attachment remains to the numberhood of the identifiers, it might be
> remembered that the automatic librarian knows no words, only numbers named
> 'bit.'
> On Fri, 8 Sep 2006, Renato Fabbri wrote:
> > 3º You can just reply and put the number. names for wrong numbers will
> > appear.
> >
> > 4º can it be? too ridiculous?
> >
> > 5º you see, it is a catalog, but there is no act of organizing in form
> of a
> > catalogue, just of putting ideas on media. the signature is in the reply
> > heading. Be it or not, in peace \/
> *snip*
> --
> Dear Patron Saint,
> your lips are lopsided
> www.devo.com/exegene
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