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Re: [microsound] sgnidroceR esreveR


Liidz septembra beigaam veel ir iespeeja apskatiit interneta galerijaa
Nogallery izstaadi "Charming nonchalance".

In fact,
In front of a piano you can easily play something palindromic,

frères jacques is a childrens song,
try that,
it ends with BimBamBom,
The BimBamBompart is an audiopalindrome.

I can imagine that composers who use(d) to write down their music,
repeat(ed) the score from some point going back to the first 'noot'.

noot toon - you have to understand dutch
om je in te beelden dat er diepgang in deze omkeerbaarheid schuilt.

If you want a recognisable sound (footsteps), that when played backwards
sounds like another recognisable sound (spetstoofs), you have to look for
objects that cause 'backward' sounds.
Yesterday I touched some pages from a book,
the sound comes close to backwardness.
Didn't record it,
because I am not a palindromist.

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