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[microsound] ***pi day 2007 project***
this project is dedicated to the transcendental number pi and the day
set aside to celebrating the constant, March 14
using the constant pi, microsound list members will compose a piece
utilizing the number/concept in some way
feel free to interpret this in any way you wish
use pi as the formula for their title and
the piece must _be made_ on Pi Day
***deadline: 3/17***
email the list when you have completed a piece
but DO NOT send the piece to the list
each piece must be exactly 3 minutes and 14 seconds in length and
the format should be a stereo mp3 @ 128b/sec
some info on Pi:
**we'll need some list members to design a web page and provide a CD
cover (front and back)
***see microsound page for some ideas/inspiration:
****any takers?