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[microsound] Re: tamboura patches/programs

hey-- regressing back to the tamboura thread i started. sorry, been pretty busy, didn't get around to writing a response.

thanks for the replies. for the reply that discussed the raagini box, yeah, i agree, this box is really pretty much exactly what i'm talking about--except, since it's digital, i was just hoping to track down something of equivalent quality and specs, but run from the laptop (and, preferably, free, and also as a reaktor ensemble if possible). synthesizing it would not be necessary, although it brings up a very interesting theoretical discussion about how one might go about synthesizing such a sound, because it's a very complex timbre.... but not really what i'm looking for for my purposes, since i don't have the time or skills to figure out how to synthesize a tamboura. i do see these cyndustries modules, but that's another pointless area for me, but for the price, that's not a practical solution, since i'm just looking to save money instead of buying a raagini. control voltage isn't really exciting me for tamboura sounds, it wouldn't really serve my purpose to be able to modulate it or anything, and digital is fine (and $700 cheaper).

anyway, let me make another approach on the problem: can anyone recommend a reaktor ensemble with some useful pitch controls that will cleanly loop a tamboura sample well? i have a pretty large library of downloaded ensembles, and i could probably find one to do the job with some effort, but time doesn't permit it as of yet. if i do find a good ensemble for tamboura samples, i'll send it out.

but anyway, back to the timbre thing, with the raagini, you can't help but think the palette of sounds is sort of limited, with just the couple of knobs, and you'd wonder if it wouldn't get boring after a couple tracks, especially for the price, and what i'd be using it for, which isn't practicing my sitar or anything, just actual electronic experimental music that demands fresh and evolving banks of coming up with sounds rather than recycling samples. with the raagini, the only reason i'm a big fan, is because a friend used it with a bunch of effects pedals after it in the signal chain, which really took it to another dimension. without that, it's really not a very useful instrument on its own unless you're a sitar student or something, and even then, you would probably never make a serious recording with it.

anyway, thanks again for the replies.  cheers

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