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[microsound] thanks from jeff gburek in lyon
thanks to the kind people who intevened with advice.
it was remedied by a reinstall. took all the data off
first just to be safe. had good luck to find someone
with the tecvh resoucres. good to know that this
config actually is the registry. seems there is a
physicalm electrical problem maybe beneath it all
rather than virus. cauititiously looking on, best,
--- david austin <me@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The 'config' file it says its missing is actually
> the system's registry.
> Your best bet is to find another XP installation CD
> and start install again.
> As part of the installation process it will search
> for old OS installations,
> hopefully it will find yours and allow you to do a
> repair installation.
> If it does you're in luck.
> This is a fairly common problem and is usually
> caused by either a machine
> overheating/or your hd going bad. You have probably
> a 80% chance you'll be
> able to repair everything. If it doesn't allow you
> to repair your best option
> is to try to mount the hd in a different machine and
> get your data off of it.
> At 07:37 AM 8/30/2007, you wrote:
> >dear microsounders, i have already told myself i
> told
> >you so, so i am hoping someone here can give me
> >practical information about this issue: my pc
> laptop
> >running xp crashed for lack of win 32 config file
> and
> >i left the original programs boot disc in berlin.
> is
> >anyone in lyon able to help me reboot and does
> anyone
> >know if i have already lost 4 years of work? if so
> i
> >have the opportunity finally to go linux whole hog.
> >but i have performances which involve the sound
> files,
> >in lyon you will start seeing the posters for the
> perf
> >at espace 44 by today. i need to try to get some of
> >these files back. the onboard cd rom drive is
> >broken; i need to port the config file from
> somewhere.
> >m'aidez, sils vous plait
> >amicalment, jeff gburek
> >
> >j.ff gbk
> >
> >http://www.futurevessel.com/orphansound
> >
> >http://www.idiosyncratics.net/netlabel.html
> >
> >http://www.djalma.com
> >
> >http://www.mattin.org/desetxea.html
> >
> >
> >
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j.ff gbk
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