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Re: [microsound] this is what happen in Italy.

In a way the laws proposed by the italian government could end up being
realy nefast to us sound adicts exchanging information thru internet...
maybe we will end up cut out from our italian partners, who knows?
but thats not the point... the point is:
do we realy need to censor eachothers, in an endless struggle for right or
wrong by hitting eachothers feelings and proudness?
Or can we just ignore posts we find unintresting?

Some people seem to need a robot to do that...
i don't

italy is messing with free expression, but do they realy need to?
maybe they should just let us do it to eachother on our own?

Some people find it alot harder to press a delete button than typing lines
of fire...
often i feel people get bitten by besserwisser-trolls everywhere on the net
because of the lack of possibilities to use our fists in cyberspace... it is
too frustrating for some of us humans i reckon... I hope not... but if its
the case, someone with the skills to do it, should open a payed service for
internet-fights and get FILTHY rich! :)

Now that the information vehiculed by the first post has come thru,
everybody reading it should be happy they live in a country where they can
afford owning a computer with access to internet.

Lets think twice before we type. And i talk to my unperfect self aswell.
Thank you microsound for giving us the opportuniy to think about LOADS of
different topics.
Carpe Diem,

On 10/29/07, aleks vasic <bvasic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Mario,
> Ive been readin up on this topic and i cant seem to find anything to
> substantiate your claims!  Could you please provide some links
> because i am having the hardest time find anything that resembles the
> facts in your post.  All i seem to be finding is the exact opposite,
> It would be great relief to me if you would do so!
> Thanks in advance
> aLEKs
> On Oct 25, 2007, at 8:08 PM, Mario De Roma wrote:
> > On 10/25/07, Kerry Uchida <kerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >> On Oct 25, 2007, at 1:26 PM, mic wrote:
> >>>  i think that the best thing I can do is to
> >>> inform all the people I can.
> >>
> >> and this has now fixes or resolved the issue by posting here?
> >
> > I'm slightly afraid the best thing he could do was to misinform all
> > the people he could.
> >
> > Enrolling with that scary Register of the Operators od Communication
> > is only mandatory for mass-communicators. And it has been established
> > with the sole purpose of replacing both the Register of Press
> > Operators and that of Television and Radio Communicators. It's a
> > formality.
> >
> > And a little amendement is going to exclude blogs and personal sites.
> >
> > People didn't notice for there was no mention of the english non-word
> > "blog" in the italian draft.
> > It's ok this way, "blog" is an ugly word with little to no meaning or
> > utility in lawspeak.
> >
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