... the sound out of my music.
here's my setup:
imac G5 with a MOTU traveler. all the computer sound is going
through the MOTU traveler.
now get this:
if i open a track or song in the quicktime player, it sounds
beautiful. great. perfect. just as it should.
if i open a track or song in iTunes, the supposed Apple Music
Player, the quality is not there. i can't put my finger on it
exactly, but it sounds worse. slightly. there is some digital
distortion, i believe. and these are 16 or 24 bit audio files too,
not MP3 atrocities. i've turned off all the EQ crap and whatever
else is in the iTunes preferences that could screw with the purity
of my music. it's all off. but still, i think iTunes sounds terrible.
any ideas here?
why does quicktime sound fine, but iTunes doesn't?
i've had this problem since day one.
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