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Re: [microsound] audio spotlight
i haven't heard this show, but we use the audio
spotlight system in exhibitions at the museum i work
at in austin texas. its a remarkable effect, but to
be honest the amplification is terrible, and there are
few ways to correct for this. one bass knob and one
gain. i suppose we could run a rack mount equalizer
somewhere in the chain, but thats no really in our
i also expected the sound to be a little more
you can get bleed for up to 20 feet in the radius of
the speaker and we were hoping for a more limited
range to work in conjunction with our exhibition
we're now using ipod listening stations which present
their own brand of public / art / audio consumption
thanks for this article and link though/
bryan g.
--- Milan Davidovic <milan.davidovic@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Nora Young on CBC Radio One's "Spark" talks to Joe
> Pompei about Audio Spotlight:
> --
> Milan Davidovic
> http://altmilan.blogspot.com
> http://www.terminus1525.ca/studio/view/2758
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