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Re: [microsound] Algorithmic Composition
Hi list!
I'm interested in Common Music, but I don't understand how CM works.
Can I use CM to assist in composition with another sound synthesis environments like supercollider 3?
[ Marcos Bernabé | scmute ]
[ www.tecnonucleo.org | scmute@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ]
----- Mensaje original ----
De: Steffen Juul <stffn@xxxxxxxxxx>
Para: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Enviado: martes, 15 de enero, 2008 20:04:55
Asunto: Re: [microsound] Algorithmic Composition
On 15/01/2008, at 19.16, Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Ghost Bunnies hat gesagt: // Ghost Bunnies wrote:
>> I'm an artist, not a professional musician, but I'm more and more
>> interested in this particular subject (even started to learn
>> SuperCollider recently), so any suggestions are welcome!
> Learning a programming language sure is a nice thing. Which language
> to learn is a very personal decision, though. Unlike the natural
> language, you aren't born into one as a baby and should probably take
> a look at several alternatives.
Heinrich Taube [0] did a demo at ICMC 07 about SAL which roughly put
is a layer upon Common Music [1] designed for algorithmic
composition, hence might be worth trying out. There are more info at
[3] and slideshows and and workshop material from the ICMC at [2].
[0] http://www.music.uiuc.edu/facultyBio.php?id=85
[1] http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/
[2] http://pinhead.music.uiuc.edu/~hkt/icmc07/
[3] http://commonmusic.sourceforge.net/doc/dict/sal-topic.html
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