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[microsound] Off topic project?

Hi all!
I Thought i'd use the samples in nitrotracker for nintendo DS... It's a bit
like playing a guitarr.. because everytime i save i loose most of the work
except the sample patch: you have to remember the song in tha head.... :D

So After several attempts i got borred with starting all over again and
recorded it straight away to my camcorder....

Now to the topic of my mail:
the result is on video hosted by youtube... and it's not realy any
experimental music... rather techno... or like french like to call it
"techtonic". What i wonder is: do you think it's worth giving it a second
round of work, do you think it fits in this project?
here is the video:

Friednly yours,

Set Hallström
reSet Sakrecoer
+34 697 903 606