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Re: [microsound] Max/Msp 5 is here

in that lengthy robert henke video i posted a little while ago he says nothing will happen until max 5 is out and then he eluded to the pluggo product line, implying that there might some kind of function that allows users to build there own plug-ins within live... but he was pretty tight-lipped about the whole venture. someone asked him about jitter and video in live and he just smiled and didn't respond, saying 'he already said too much.' to be honest, they themselves probably don't even know for sure what's going to happen...

On 23-Apr-08, at 7:26 PM, Matt Tierney wrote:

DIY Live instruments/effects?

On Thu, Apr 24, 2008 at 12:08 AM, Hans Erik Nilsson <hasse@xxxxxxxxxx>

can't wait to find out what they're gonna do w/ ableton now that max
is done...

Yeah, absolutely. Anyone on the list picked up on any rumours on what
be the outcome of the partnership between Cycling 74 and Ableton?


Mr. Hans Erik Nilsson | Voice: +46 73 6636331 |
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