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[microsound] Help: 5.1 Surround mixdown

Hello All,

I'm attempting to mix down 15 tracks into Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound using
Logic Pro 7.2.3. The panning is all set and I can bounce the tracks, but the
result of bouncing is two aiff files labled "[title]-L" and "[title]-R". I
found a Dolby Labs publication that descibes these as the two-channel
mix-down of a 5.1 format. However, the publication says that these can be
decoded into 5.1 audio: how does this work?

My question is this: are these two audio files all that is needed to
playback my composition in 5.1 Surround? Do I have to make a final mix of
the two files to get one 5.1 compatible audio file, if so how do I do that?

Obviously, this is my first attempt at Surround Sound mixing. Any advice is
greatly appreciated.

-greg d.