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[microsound] Cecilia Csound frontend spamming strange files

I am running Cecilia 2.0.2 for Windows frontend with CSound 5.08.

Cecilia decided to install directly to "C:\" and who am I to question it?!
However, I have noticed a massive number of files being created in my C:\
directory, and a new one is created everytime I preview a sound in Cecilia.
For example, using the AdditiveSynth module creates a 1.08kb file called
"slc", which contains data in this fashion
"w 0 60
f 18 0 0 8192 8192 -7 70.00000 8192.000 70.00000
f 19 0 0 8192 8192 -7 70.00000 8192.000 70.00000"

Subsequently I have hundreds of these files, each one seemingly created when
I hit Cecilias Play button :(
I can find no setting in Cecilia preferences that indicates files should be
saved to C:\ , I have correctly set up other folders for the various

Not a massive issue, it causes me no problems using the program, just a
little niggle.
