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Re: [microsound] VLC

I just downloaded an ogg.m3u file from http://www.dradio.de/wir/ogg/ and Cog
just played it with no troubles. However, mein Deutsch ist kaputt. Ich
verstehe nicht so viel!

Cog might be your ticket.

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 6:01 AM, js-alexander <craftid@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> 2008/7/2 Frank Barknecht <fbar@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
> > I don't hav a Mac myself, but I'm interested in a Mac player which
> > supports Ogg-streams like these: http://www.dradio.de/wir/ogg/
> > Can Cog do that?
> >
> I believe the releases for OSX 10.4 and beyond support ogg streams, but I
> can't seem to get them to play on my stone age 10.3.9 version :)