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Re: [microsound] Fwd: Paul Lansky pulls the plug

Phil Stone wrote:
I don't disagree with the gist of what Mr. Lansky says -- more power to him as he enjoys the delights of acoustic music -- but the editorializing of the article's author is maddening. He writes that computer music is about "total control", and has "no performers" (in fact, the word "antisocial" was thrown in for good measure). This is a very bigoted view of computer music, perhaps deriving from very old ideas about it.

Good point. It smells like lazy journalism--"OK, what's a quick, easy way I can set up some kind of tension/drama here...oh, right: soulless, antisocial computers vs. warm, friendly humanity. Yeah, that'll do."


Maurice Rickard
http://mauricerickard.com/   |   http://onezeromusic.com/

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