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Re: [microsound] death of monoculture
- To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [microsound] death of monoculture
- From: Paulo Mouat <paulo.mouat@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 11:53:17 -0400
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On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Owen Green <owen@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As I read him (heavily influenced by my own opinions, of course), Damian is
> pointing out that the very ideas of "music" and "piano" are themselves
> matters of social, not individual, definition.
Agreed, although the definitions are very ductile and as such also
contradict, to a certain extent, the notion of "monoculture" (as
applied to the abstract, social, ideas of "music" and "piano").
"This is not music, this is noise"
"I don't need a piano, I have 6th Ave"
> As such the idea of completely individuated reception or creation is
> ideological, rather than explanatory: we don't listen as individuals,
> because everything we listen to is given meaning within socially constructed
> contexts.
And many contexts at that, and thus out the window goes the "mono" in
But then again, this is a moot point as I don't share the desire of
having my music "enjoyed by lots of people" (to paraphrase
Damian)--feedback, opinions and criticisms from certain people are
most welcome; whether they actually enjoy it, I don't really care--and
therefore while my "culture" might not be exclusive to me, it
certainly doesn't seem to be the same as Damian's or the fellow who
underwent the dub-revelation.
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