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[microsound] Infinite jest

i've finished my imaginary soundtrack. There's an official .microsound
project or i post the track in other ways (e.g., my soundclick or a
badongo link)?
I've chosen "Cage" for the score.


p.s.: somebody will be so clever to imagine that the title is chosen
with an obvious reference (^_^)
 (     mailto: adern@xxxxxxxxx		  http://www.myspace.com/adernx
 ))    http://digilander.iol.it/adern      (GnuPG key available on url)
|""|-. fingerprint = B940 86DD CEC7 74F0 92CC  4C7D A9F6 03F5 E5F8 8FD1
|__|-' "Boredom is the mother of creativity" (Ron Arad)

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