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Re: [microsound] sound art / music


On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:45 AM, g d <rupanama@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> what is
> the difference between sound art and music?

well, i'll take a shot ... [gulp]

music is generally construed to include melody, meter, sometimes
harmony too. to [greatly over-] simplify, anything you can play on a
piano is music.

with electronics you are soon in an area that is unplayable on a
piano. so this leads to 'sound art'.

often a dichotomy is proposed:

this does not help with electronics as noise can be a part of the
music [if you will ...]

so 'sound art' is better than noise. and this phrase also puts
electronics in the company of 'visual art' or 'literary art', ...


\js  [ http://or8.net/~johns/ ]

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