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Re: [microsound] sound art / music

Leigh Landy proposes a *"sound-based music paradigm" *about the emancipation
of the sound in music.
It's worth reading.


*[The word paradigm is sometimes criticized as an overused, somewhat unclear
term. It has been found to be appropriate in this book when used in the
sense of a "supergenre," that is, a class bringing together a cluster of
genres and categories often considered as being separate that have been
converging in recent years owing to their use of materials and the knowledge
concerning the artistic use of thosematerials].*

Matteo Milani


On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 4:45 PM, g d <rupanama@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello All,
> So, I have a basic -- and perhaps naïve -- question for the group: what is
> the difference between sound art and music?
> Kim's remark about microsound being a philosophical position within sound
> art sparked this question for me. I'm pretty sure there's no absolute
> distinction we can make, but I'm ignorant about what the common
> distinctions
> are.
> Thanks for any help,
> -greg