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[microsound] New list info (was Re: [microsound] PLEASE STOP USING THIS LIST!)

Yes, if you receive emails from the microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx address
that means you are still on the old list--and you would be, until that
list is shutdown or you explicitly unsubscribe.

Keep in mind that there is no link between the two lists (different
domains, different servers, different admins).

The only thing that was taken from the old list was the list of
subscribers, so that everyone got transparently subscribed to the new
one. However, nothing was done that affected your subscription status
in the old list, so your membership there is still active.

So, to repeat Kim's advice:
- Please do not create new threads on the old list
(microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx). Create them on the new list
(microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx). When responding to threads please change
the address so that they get sent to the new list.
- The hyperreal list is going to be retired soon, so adjust your email
clients ASAP.
- Official instructions can be read in the http://www.microsound.org
homepage, so this is not subterfuge and is really the new official
- If you have any issues, don't hesitate to email the admins of the
new list (I am one of them but you can reach us all by sending an
email to the address detailed in the footer of the list's web
interface at http://microsound.org/mailman/listinfo/microsound_microsound.org).


On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 11:14 AM, Graham Miller
<grahammiller@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> wondering this as well.
> On 13-Nov-08, at 5:02 AM, Martine H. Crispo wrote:
>> If I received this, does it mean I am on the old list?
>> On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 2:42 AM, Steffen Juul <stffn@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On 12/11/2008, at 22.14, Kim Cascone wrote:
>>>  use the microsound.org one?
>>>> it will be turned off in Dec
>>>> so please reroute your email clients to the other one?
>>> Start making the old list sent a reply to sender that there is a new list
>>> and instructions on how to use it.
>>> I had to look though emails in my archive that looked like spam (with a
>>> subject field as "****** IMPORTANT <snip>" - like subject with all
>>> capital
>>> letters typically will be ignored as it's a sign of a time waster) to
>>> find
>>> the information. namely:
>>> - all user has been transferred to a new list,
>>> - just post to a new address and
>>> - possibly change your mail filters.
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: microsound-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> For additional commands, e-mail: microsound-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> website: http://www.microsound.org
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: microsound-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> For additional commands, e-mail: microsound-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> website: http://www.microsound.org

To unsubscribe, e-mail: microsound-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
For additional commands, e-mail: microsound-help@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
website: http://www.microsound.org