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Re: [microsound] AC and other sounds
I really like the sound of the London Underground, so many different rich
textures. One day I took a MD recorder with me in an attempt to capture
the sounds. It came out very flat and uninteresting. Perhaps I need a
better microphone. Perhaps some sounds are less rich when divorced of
their context.
The BART going under the bay from SF to Oakland makes an incredible noise,
a whining/humming/whistling moan, I intend to get that one day.
! K@wzl - catweasl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx - !Fuck Shit Up! !
! "to be nobody but yourself - in a world which is doing !
! its best, night and day, to make you like everybody else !
! - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being !
! can fight and never stop fighting" - e.e.cummings !
On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, jayrope wrote:
> these daylife sounds... - are any of you guys actually using these sounds for
> your own music? i have a variety of dictaphones with me most of the time, and i
> use these recordings for the life concerts of my band rope mainly. their bad
> recording quality seems to have the quality of an old memory - a smell - a very
> intense and direct leftover/picture of the actual real sound that has been
> there...in a way more intense than the original - probably because of the phone
> compressing the signal to the limit of what the tape can take...
> so how about you guys?
> jayrope
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