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brief playlist for music for lunchpails (kuci)
i have refrained from posting my playlist here because i do not focus on
just this-listy stuff.. however, this last week i played a ton of stuff,
so i am going to post the stuff that i feel relates to this list -- mostly
to let folks know that the show does exist and that i do take submissions
(and would love to hear stuff coming from folks on this list).
so, here it is, all trimmed down:
program: music,four.lunchpails
time: wednesday 6-9pm
frequency: 88.9fm
online: kuci.org
winamp: http://www.kuci.org:8000
host: crztfr.rbn
slow contact: kuci . po box 4362 . irvine . ca . 92616-4362
fast contact: 949.824.5824
nice contact: tofu@xxxxxxx
Bizarre Uproar "Ejector"
<Freak Animal Records>
Voicecrack "Green Elipse"
Defrost ?
John Wiese "Untitled (batman)"
<Self Release?>
The User
Symphony #1 for Dot Matrix Printers" <Staalplaat>
V/VM + co
Machine Components //0001 <v/vm>
Infotron ?
Christoph Heeman "Ursula Fahrt Ski"
Hate People Like Us <Staalplaat>
John Wiese
5" split vinyl <helicopter>
Fennesz "013 +/- 6.18"
Plus Forty Seven Degrees 56' 37" Minus Sixteen
Degrees 51'08" <Touch>
Pita (Track 5 off the newest release)
Kid 606
<unreleased, cdr>
Coil "Pre-Original Chaostrophy"
<song of the week>
Mause "The Bump"
Mause "Die Bestie ist Tot"
Aphex Twin "Come to Daddy (Remixed By Richard Devine)"
warp10+3 sampler <warp>
Datathief "Bluevoc"
<mp3 off datathief site>
Not Breathing "Silver Dollar"
<unreleased, cdr>
Kid 606
<unreleased, cdr>
and then (not so trimmed down:):
This week was my Birthday show. 25 years of life. 7+ years of silly
radio. I played stuff that has really hit my ears nicely over the years..
and a few more recent things that REALLY impressed me. Keep in mind this
is in no way a "best of" -- but just a bunch of things I pulled that
really moved me at some point.. minus a few very obvious things like
Current 93 :) anyway...
pigface: empathy
thessalonians: astronaut voices
eisturzende neubauten: yu-gung
phthalocyanine: vints
babyland: worst case scenario
low: lazy
echo and the bunnymen: zimbo
the teardrop explodes: books
pavement: killing moon (request for annie)
chameleons: thursday's child
coil: solar lodge
savage republic: when all else fails
swans: failure
frankie goes to hollywood: one february friday
jega vs datathief: kaya
irresistible force: symphony in e
depeche mode: agent orange
gescom: two of
aphex twin: perc #6
muslimgauze: indian summer
pop will eat itself: inject me
land of the loops: no star for you
mouse on mars: saturday night world cup fieber
perrey and kingsley: spooks in space
soul oddity: little alien
john s hall & kramer: wind up toys
nurse with wound: rock & roll station
tones on tail: real life
pink floyd: several species of small furry animals...
plastikman: kricket
alan watts
bassland: nine
spacewurm: army of god > 5200
not breathing (visible 12")
penal colony: warsaw
thanks for the moment and the music.
all the best,