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Re: [microsound] vladislav delay + notice
i agree in total. reaktor is the first software i used, which is open in any
direction . if MAX keeps you away from making music, reaktor keeps you away
from thinking about m u s i c. very sraight and very complex.
----- Original Message -----
From: taylor deupree <taylor@xxxxxxx>
To: microsound <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: [microsound] vladislav delay + notice
> >Anyone else using this? It sounds like an intrigueing piece of software,
> >but
> >I haven´t really heard much about it in terms of hands-on experience.
> reaktor is an amazing program. very very very deep. basically a
> modular synthesizer where you can build you own modules. it's deep to
> the level that it's harder to use than a real analog modular.. or a
> nord modular, or something like that. everything has to be wired and
> assigned from the ground up (unless you use preset modules).. but
> it's very powerful.. from your standard waveshapes to "geiger"
> oscillators, granular sample banks and things like that.
> the main drawback is that it's a total system hog and isn't terribly
> stable (at least the mac version).. even on my 333mhz g3 (ok, not the
> most speediest of computers anymore..) it can chug along. i think
> they need to clean up the mac code a bit.
> anyway. at $499 it's highly recommended. incredible power and
> excellent soundquality.
> taylor,
> + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
> taylor deupree/12k
> taylor@xxxxxxx
> http://www.12k.com
> taylor deupree untitled 12" EP (audio.nl / netherlands thru
> taylor deupree "dopticn" on lowercase compilation (bremsstrahlung) (march
> taylor deupree + richard chartier "spec." (12k1007)
> taylor deupree "place" on Maschinelle Strategien (ritornell/mille
> plateaux) (00)
> taylor deupree "a100study00.01.31" on [untitled] (12k1008) (12k) (april
> tetsu inoue + taylor deupree "active/freeze" on [untitled] (12k1008)
> (12k) (april 00)
> taylor deupree ".n" CD (ritornell/mille plateaux) (april/may 00)
> taylor deupree CD (rastermusic, spring 2000)
> taylor deupree remixing Goem on "extensie" (goem remix CD)
> taylor deupree: kim cascone "bubblewarp" remix, on "blue cubism"
> (digital narcis/japan)
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