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particle/atom models of sound

here is a great link for some cool PC audio shareware programs:

the term 'microsound' was termed by Curtis Roads and has to do with the
concept of dealing with sound on an 'atomic' (ie: grain-based)
level...instead of digital audio being dealt with as a continuous stream of
data it is broken up into small >100mS gaussian enveloped (triangle works
too) grains...Mr Roads is working on a book dealing with atomic or particle
sound models and is planned to be published later this year...the name for
this list was inspired by a lecture I attended by Mr Roads at CNMAT last
July...and if you haven't heard any of his music, a trip to
http://www.emf.org should turn up some CD's containing his work and they
are HIGHLY recommended...he is one of the most amazing computer music
composers and unfortunately one of the most overlooked...