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Re: [microsound] DSP

> another note, keep in mind that "DSP" is a *very* broad term.. and,
> in my opinion, shouldn't be used as or confused with some sort of
> "style" or sound or anything like that. anything that a
> microprocessor does to audio.. from splicing to reverb to a filter or
> granularizing something.. is dsp..
> so when people say "oh, there's so much DSP on that album"... you
> could probably say that about any record produced in the last couple
> of years.. from pop to country to experimental music. so much goes
> thru the computer or pro tools and things like that..

Sure, but I think we all know what is meant when someone says "oh, there's so much
DSP on that album" = intense sound processing which goes beyond the typical EQing,
compression, reverb, etc.. I don't think you're gonna hear anyone say "Man, there
sure was a lot of DSP on that last Travis Tritt album !".  ; )
