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Re: [microsound] series packaging
In a message dated 5/13/00 12:18:53 AM, chartier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:
<< i think both the rittornell and raster (and trente oiseaux) packaging all
work in this fashion...
it places the focus on the sounds.
but at the same time also gives an identity to the label.... a visual cue
for the consumer/collector...
the package becomes an object in itself, and no less of an object than a
release of differing covers and illustrations.
i rather like that.. but hey thats just me....
richard >>
exactly, it's just you. as long as that is the artists' intent--then fine. my
concern is that the artist may have an intent for the cover which
suits/relates to the audio. what happens when the artist connects the
cover/packaging with the audio? then will a a label DICTATE a packaging that
suits itself and not the artist????
as long as it is the artist's intent, then that is is fine and it can be
judged as such. my question is: is that expression being comprimised? (e.g.
does Akira's CD look different now?)