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Re: popular computer music : oxymoron?

Given the degree to which coverage of work in other media
besides mailing list communities and other informal networks
appears to be increasing, I'd say that it's gettin' to be about bailtime
for those who still live in that universe where anything prized by a
sufficiently large number of people must somehow be
inherently flawed. If you're *really* cynical, you can take your
rare early reissues and put 'em up on ebay and make a killing.
The money should tide one over until the next mysterious
thing comes along. Of course, it may be that the next mysterious
thing will be a community populated by folks who view *your*
entry into the discourse as an indication of its adulteration.

Being *very* old, I can't help but smile at these postings. Sorry
that some of y'all weren't around for the earlier days of industrial
(or world/punk/progressive rock/bebop/swing). 'Twas ever thus.