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833-45 vs Tomas Jirku and image->sound apps
Captain Digest-Reader strikes with a couple of bursts of pointlessness!
David Turgeon writes:
833-45 vs tomas jirku.
These are great! I must confess I'm always a bit surprised at David's
enthusiasm for Tomas Jirku, who seems pretty comparable to the similarly
repetitive Chain Reaction fall-out artists David finds so boring. I say
this without judgement too - I'm just curious as to what distinctions
people make that I don't spot that might push something from boring to
great. Either way, I like all of these tracks for a bunch of different
reasons. Always a bit frustrating listening to microsound type stuff as
MP3s, though.
"Paul" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Java applet, great for creating bleepy/clicky sounds...or something...
This is lots of fun. FYI, it is also very similar to how Metasynth (for
MacOS) and Coagula (a self-confessed rip for Win9x) do their thing, and you
don't have to do it on-line. Coagula is free, as well.
Involve Records http://involve.co.nz
Jet Jaguar MP3s http://mp3.com/jetjag/