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MUTEK abuse...


you guys took a message i originally posted to talk about the artists and music and turned it into a platform war. the original comment was meant simply to relay the prevalence of mac's at mutek. as both a mac and pc user myself there was no ill-will meant towards either platform.

why don't we bring the discussion back to the original topic and discuss mutek. i was rather enjoying reading the postings that contained mutek in the subject header when they actually had something to do with mutek.

ok. here's the required musical portion of this message:

why is it that when you go to see 'larger' artists that you somehow leave more disappointed than when you go to see relatively 'small' artists. i know this is slightly an off topic musing, however after being more impressed at mutek by the artists who i would (out of cognitive necessity) label as 'small' or 'less popular' (delay, clayton, chartier) as opposed to those i would label as being 'large' (brinkmann, pole). i realize that it's possibly only a i had higher expectations for the 'larger' artists but could it also be that the 'larger' artists shape their live performances so that they would be more appealing to a mass audience? pole, brinkmann both seemed in my opinion to curve their music to be even more dance-y than their recorded material is. opinions?


craig. s.

.. . . . . . . . . . . .
..    aural architecture
..                     minimal techno/tech house/ambient/idm
..     hosted by craig s
..                     thursdays 11pm-2am/106.9 fm/dayton ohio
..        {cochlear art}
..                     aural_architecture@xxxxxxxxxxx
.. . . . . . . . . . . .

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