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Re: [microsound] more performance questions
a lot of it, for me, comes down to portability.
i could do my live set with a sampler and a sequencer ( a software
sequencer).. but i could do the same thing with a single laptop.. i'd
much rather just bring the laptop..
so far i have heard so much discussion over the use of laptops.
are they overall better devices for performance of electronic-like
music? or do they just have their benefits and aspects? i ask this
partly do to my own personal interest (perhaps ill get a laptop for
performance one of these years). would anyone say laptops are more
intuitive instruments or would that strictly be an issue based on
software and programs? basically i am wondering if a strong midi
controller perhaps with a sampler and external sequencer and fx
processor could perform to the caliber of a suitable laptop but
maybe it's all about the style you are going for. ?
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
taylor deupree/12k
- with tetsu inoue "active/freeze" full length CD (12k) (july00)
- ".n" CD (ritornell/mille plateaux) (april/may 00)
- "polr" (rastermusic, spring 2000)
- "place" on Maschinelle Strategeme (ritornell/mille plateaux) (00)
- remixing kim cascone "bubblewarp", on "blue cubism" (digital narcis/japan)
- remixing Goem on "extensie" (goem remix CD)
- "continue" MP3/3"CD (fällt/ireland) (june00)
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