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Re: [microsound] francisco lopez

At 02:30 PM 6/21/00 -0700, you wrote:
Having had the privilege to see Francisco Lopez perform live in Barcelona
last week, in one of the most sublime performances I've ever seen, I'm now
compelled to seek out some of his material.  My question is a fairly obvious
one:  what to get?

I like the audible ones:

Azoic Zone (my favorite), Geography, both Belle Confusions, La Selva, Addy....

With Warzawa Restaurant, on the other hand, I heard nothing other than the dust mites until a sublime noise poked its way in at about the 45-minute point and then left the rest of the album to silence. The noise came not from my speakers but from my window, courtesy of a passing motorcycle, so I suppose Cage was "sampled" for the piece.

joshua maremont / thermal - mailto:thermal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
boxman [hako otoko] label - http://www.boxmanstudies.com/

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