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Re: [microsound] that trippy trippy 0/r : )

well i sent this already (few hours ago) but it seems not to work!? sorry if
you'll get it twice :(

at 02.08.2000 13:45 Uhr, Ranedown@xxxxxx wrote:
>> especially O/R by chartier and sakata.

yes!!! O/R is one of my all-time-favorites too and:

-tetsu inoue: psycho-acoustic

-ryoji ikeda: +/-

-yasunao tone: solo for wounded cd

-bob ostertag: attention span

-morton feldman: triadic memories
(performed by aki takahashi on ALM records)

....and some more :)

at 02.08.2000 16:07 Uhr, richard chartier wrote:
> thank you for the wonderful review...i will forward it on to nosei : )

apropos: what's up with nosei's homepage? i cann't go trough since some

> we will begin work on the second 0/r release in september.
great! 12k again???

> richard
i love your homepage richard. great paintings (and other stuff too)!

enjoy, but safely  =: