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RE: [microsound] fm / pluramon

> > wasn't jodi.org just antiorp's previous domain name?
> >
> I doubt it.  Although all is possible.

Yes, I'm pretty sure not.  Jodi was part of the organization (I forget it's
name) that created the web hijacking project in 1996.  That was pretty
clever.  Actually, the organization might be etoy.  Or it evolved or
splintered into etoy.  Antiorp seems to be follower of this group (in the
same way that Funkstoerung seems to be a follower of Autechre).

The web was sort of a wide open frontier for a while.  In the pioneers' rush
to do business on it--much like on the American frontier--a lot of
charlatans came along for the ride.  Witness Pixelon and TimesSquare2000.
The same holds for the "pioneers" rushing to "do" "art" on the web.