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Re: [microsound] popularity of new music

A couple of thoughts on this subject which I didn't see mentioned in the
discourse... I'll try to be brief...

(1) Microsound music is important to all of us in some way, we care
about it and would like to see it presented in the best possible light
(whatever that is) so that other people can enjoy it and we can share
our interest. Commercials may not be the "best possible light," attached
as they are to a world of mercantilism, so we feel bad about it in some ways.

(2) No one person can control what happens when music or images are
recontextualized (as in many ads), but for me it often just emphasises
the cracks in the mirror, becoming an absurdist comedy. Watch
commericals without the sound... what do the images tell you?

(3) ...which leads nicely to taking control of your viewership (which I
think most here do). Being an conscious spectator (not something which
is encouraged at all) changes much of this equation... play your own
music while watching TV or movies, don't take it all in unfiltered. Pass
along this idea to as many others as you can, change the context.

(4) And last, as I am constantly reminded (and I do not mean this in any
way negatively, just as an observation), the artist mines, the audience undermines.

Thanks for more interesting reading, I do enjoy this list!

the foundry
listen here... http://www.foundrysite.com/audio