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Re: [microsound] visuals...

On 16/08/2000 12:31, Øivind Idsø said in living color:

> Also, what´s the name of the first Underworld video? Lots of flickering
> black and white dots and lines etc. Quite old, and very, very
> good/trippy.

That would be "Cowgirl", from "Dubnobasswithmyheadman". Good video indeed.

> (other videos that might not feet the topic 100% but that have made a
> huge impression on me lately is UNKLE´s "Rabbit in your headlights"
> (absolutely fantastic), any video by Radiohead, and videodirector Chris
> Cunningham; I guess it´s difficult to use this kind of semi-narrative
> imagery in for instance a club situation, but it would´ve been great if
> it could have been done successfully (short film + music).)

Björk's videos in general are quite amazing too.


Guillaume Grenier - gollum@xxxxxxxxxxxx

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