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On the subject of coil...


> the intellectual and animal for me, so much more so than, say, tetsuo
> inoue.  His music is brilliant, but has little to say to anything else
> within us besides the intellect.

	now this is strange to hear, b/c 2 of my 'favorite' sound-makers
	are Coil & Tetsu Inoue.  Coil seem to dig Inoue themselves, as i 
	see his name in the Black Light District liners.  Anyway, Inoue
	is the last person i would think to hear being accused of making
	(overly) intellectualized music.  read his interviews, he's vague
	as all hell about what it is he does.  he says things like 'sounds
	are very important'!! :D   also what about his music? look at the
	way he's gone from soul-warming proto-melodic 20min ambient works
	to country western IDM folk ditties to his current clik'n'pop a la
	fragment dots stuff.  which period was fodder for merely the
	cerebral layers?  surely not all of it?!  Of course, now i'll go
	ahead and say i agree w/ much of what you've written-

	Things like Inoue, Coil (+ C93/Dij/NWW/etc), Rapoon/ZF, what have
	you (lately gas & vladislav seem to be there, but aye these are
	new rumbles in a vast and timeless sea of sounds)  there's just no
	substitute.   it's like some audible spiritual history that
	never fails to produce wonder.  futher (no pun intended), i think
	if anyone, Coil would be the overly intellectualized.  They seem
	to have delved into the most obscure occult tomes and worlds of
	mystical lore and integrated, sometimes in excruciating detail,
	the themes, symbolism, etc so marvelously in their music.  But
	whatever, at this point i'm just trying to perpetuate theis

> His [tetsu's] music definitely has a pertinent
> place, though, in the whole scheme of things. I'm just saying that

	well duh!  ;-)

> Coil's music is much more well-rounded and integrated for me.

	their spectrum of styles is certainly more 'all-terrain' as
	you look over everything they've done, but also they've been
	doing this for what? going on 2 decades (plus they were busy
	before Coil even existed!) whereas Tetsu's releases started 
	coming out in '93-94.  Give him a chance man he wouldn't steer
	ya wrong!  and while we're on the subject, i'm going to interview
	with him sometime soon, don't know exactly when..  in any case
	if anyone from the list has questions they'd like to see asked
	just send them on and i'll go over all of them and see what i can
	cover with him in the course of the interview.
	onnow: some o that fun atom heart music
     .         .      .    .   .  . ..... .  .   .    .      .         .
        Tetsu Inoue Homepage: http://www.hyperreal.org/music/artists/tetsu/
        Radioshow Playlists:  http://i.am/phonaut
	Music Trading Page: http://ww1.math.luc.edu/~njurcin/trade.htm

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