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Re: [microsound] vladislav delay MP3 and stuff

At 22:48 27/08/00 -0400, you wrote:

While we are on the subject of clicky post-basic channel dub
abstraction, are there any other artists I should look out for who are
working in the same vein as Vladislav Delay or Stephen Betke?

A good starter might be Kit Clayton's stuff on Betke's label ~scape. I've found it a bit more enduring than eg. Sutekh's 'Periods Make Sense' or that 'Staedtizism' comp. I still rate Monolake over most others working in this vague area. Monolake's 'Gobi The Desert' ep and Robert Henke's 'Floating Point' really turn my crank when it comes to creating whole sound environments. I like throwing either one on while I'm pottering around the house or (on headphones) at work and feeling immersed in a whole sound world.

Oh yeah, Gramm's 'Personal Rock'. There's already been a couple of threads of waxing lyrical on this, so I'll leave it alone.

There's also that recent CD on Force Inc by Auch which is techno, and very much based around digital artefacts and things like mains hum rather than drum machine sounds. Lots of scrapes and clicks cranked up a notch and burbling around through off-kilter echoes. I found it really cold and unenjoyable, but plenty of people have good things to say about it, so I thought it'd be worth mentioning.

Also, how is Pole3LP? is it more of the same, or does it cover territory
that the first two albums do not?

More of the same, IMO. The differences are there, and people have pointed them out, but I found I had to go searching for them. While I enjoy the sound, I had absolutely no compulsion to pick up the album, just cos I felt like I already had enough of it to listen to when the mood hit.


Involve Records http://involve.co.nz
Jet Jaguar MP3s http://mp3.com/jetjag/

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