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Re: [microsound] off-icmc

Because of this simultaneity,
you couldn't attend all performances, and highlights
were probably happening in the other room also.
The musicians were not asked were they wanted to play,
you could feel there the attitude of the organizer
Reinhold Friedl, which was a political attitude, definitely not
a musical one : some of the performances would have
sounded much better in the big hall than in the small club
(and inversely?).

gee, that's a really nice thing to say... I thought the off-ICMC was pretty well done considering that it was the fist ever ICMC event that had artists that were not really involved in the academic society to be presenting there works. And you get the privelege to be invited to the event and now you're just trash-talking the organizer. a really nice way of showing any respect and appreciation...

so I presume you were sitting thru the Gunter set when you were
supposed to be performing. if so, what about the people you kept
waiting? have you ever considered that? how about the artists who
were supposed to play after you? you kept them waiting as well.
Did you discuss with everyone who would be effected by you prolonging
your performance? probably not. What you did was an act of sheer stupidity.
don't go around criticizing the curator for eveything you didn't like.
a lot of festivals are like this in ways that there are parallel performances.

I would think the top priority of the artists (inclu. YOU)  was to do the
performance not puposely delay your set just because you wanted to
check out the other sets. You should have discussed it beforehand.
You are the one who should have brought the subject up if you didn't
like the idea of you and gunter performing at the same time.

Bernhard Guenther's concert was certainly a highlight, he played first
on Monday upstairs, I had to play second downstairs,
I was listening to his very quiet and beautiful piece : "then, silence",
when Reinhold Friedl came to me and said "go down and play now",
I said that I would go when Guenther is over because I didn't want to
disturb it more than it was already (people walking and talking,
as well as the other performances happening downstairs were resonating
in the hall, all this was clearly disturbing Guenther's piece).
Then Friedl said "if you don't play now your concert is cancelled".
When I got down to begin my performance fifteen minutes later
he came and told me again "it is not necessary to play anymore".
Very nice to hear that before playing !
Isn't that a highlight too ?

the highlight for me was the farmersmanual set. (but this is all about personal tastes)
and if you were supposed to play, then you're supposed to play.
eveything you wrote above is some stupid excuses to justify your actions
which was something totally self-centered. If you had considerations for
Gunter in not disturbing his set (which is just an excuse), then you should
have had considerations for artists who were waiting to play after you.
You should have considerations for people waiting for you to start.

and of course he would say "it is not necessary to play anymore" as
there are other artists on the bill waiting for their time to play. which was
delayed because of one artist who was totally self-centered and had
no consideration fo others including both artists and crowd.

get a life man....


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