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Re: [microsound] RE: Off-ICMC

No precise schedule had been fixed beforehand,
only the order of the performances.
To have an intermission between two performances seems quite normal.
Mr Friedl could have closed the door from the beginning of the piece,
instead of talking with his friends, standing at the entrance
of the hall for the first fifteen minutes. What they were speaking
about was quite distinguishable. No relation with me.

My guess would be that he would have thought you were playing downstairs. so why would he have conversations relating to you whereabouts.

I don't believe that an audience who attends such an evening,
going on from 10PM to 2AM, where (almost) everybody is
smoking and drinking wine and beer, would become so nervous
if one of the pauses is 15 minutes longer.
Because of the whole organization, the audience "disturbed"
not only Guenter's but ALL concerts, by going in and out the rooms.
To say that it was "my" audience and "my" fault
reflects perfectly Mr Friedl's state of mind.

totally naive.... self concious...

as for going in and out, it is perfectly normal for festivals like this.
is respect what you want? maybe you were not good enough. hehehe
When no schedule is fixed and no discussion about these issues has been done,
and when the organizer can't be trusted, the musician will act as he thinks
is best.

obviously you are not to be trusted as well....

I am not sure who apologized to whom,
I agreed we should have discussed that before,
although I emailed about this issues long before the concert :
the choice of the room, my position in the room,
the order of the performances, I got no answer,
I should probably have insisted on talking about these,
but as Mr Friedl ignored my suggestions -
they were probably lost in the organisation panic -,
I also lost interest in discussing them further.
I know it is a big task to organize such a festival,
and on the first day Mr Friedl was obviously very tense
and not in his normal state. The situation of the afternoon was
quite chaotic: the soundcheck was scheduled at 3PM
and began only at 8PM.


As for the fee, it was the lowest I was ever paid in Germany,
receiving it or not would not have made a big difference in my budget.
It was symbolic, but as I have done my two concerts on Monday
and Tuesday, I had no reason to refuse it.

lowest fee?! is that of relevance? symbolic....what?!

If Mr Friedl ever organizes other events of this kind,
I suggest that he doesn't ignore the musicians' suggestions,
and discusses the contents of the contract before the concert.
The musicians should sign this contract before the concert, not after.
Above all I suggest he remains polite.

! suggest you remain polite as well. something yet to be seen from your side...

All the above details are just boring, but after having been thinking
of them for a few days, I felt it was important not to remain silent
about Mr Friedl. Although I never experienced such an attitude,
Mr Friedl is certainly not the only one, and there are still many things
to expose about the "tyrrany of the programmers" (cf. Jerome Joy),
which lead them to tell the musicians they invite : "if you don't obey
me right now I cancel your concert". I thought this issue could be
discussed furthermore on the mailing lists which seem concerned.

discuss? I see only see attacks coming from you...
hard to keep up a discussion when you're just attacking someone.
especially when I don't even know the guy being attacked. in these situations,
I'd rather pick on the attacker than follow along. especially when
someone does some outrageous actions like this, just speaking
trash about someone because you didn't like him.

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