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Re: [microsound] RE: Off-ICMC

> ! suggest you remain polite as well.
> something yet to be seen from your side...

Well, Mr. Gaines, your contribution to this discussion hasn´t exactly been
enlightening, either. You seem to say you know best about a situation of which
you were not even involved. There´s arrogance and then there´s Arrogance.

This discourse is probably best left to the two people directly involved --
Friedl and Charles. Your snide remarks is just fuel to a flame burning
somewhere else entirely.

> discuss? I see only see attacks coming from you...


> hard to keep up a discussion when you're just attacking someone.


> especially when I don't even know the guy being attacked. in these
> situations,
> I'd rather pick on the attacker than follow along.

How about just leaving it alone? Why would you choose *either* side if you
weren´t there? I take it you neither know Friedl nor Charles, so why are you
choosing either side?

"Silence is so accurate."
            -Mark Rothko