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Re: [microsound] compassion for hard work

Yeah GG! , I'm here for the sounds, and you boys are just silly to think
otherwise!  I KNOW some of you live for  the politics, well, that's your
perogative, it's all a myth to keep you busy anyway. I'm a Camus girl
myself, experience  the moment, I say just keep making noise for me, Daddy!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Gunnar Garness" <ggarness@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <microsound@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2000 5:08 PM
Subject: RE: [microsound] compassion for hard work

> ----------Original Message-----
> -----From: christophe charles [mailto:charles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> -----Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 7:41 PM
> -----Reactions against violence and authoritarianism
> -----should not be qualified as "petty gripes", in any context.
> -----The music you heard at Podewil is in its principle against
> -----hierarchy and centralism, it is meaningless to perform it
> -----in a context where you ignore or accept authoritarianism.
> When did art become merely a representation of, or a vehicle to transmit,
> views on  political and social theories?   Even if art has been reduced to
> such niche concerns it is debateable as to whether or not any of these
> theories is inherently communicable through music to a listener who is
> unfamiliar with them (or just not interested in them)  As a design
> of mine used to say, "just because you call something a turkey does not
> it a turkey."  What you are calling "violence" and "authoritarianism" in
> this case are hardly more than annoyances that come with the territory of
> working as a professional in a world which you can not always expect to be
> meet your expectations.  You are simply being overdramatic and your claims
> are stretches for even the most imaginative thinkers.  Besides I hope you
> feel that your own music has more relevance beyond being a reactionary
> political statement about some sort of  corrupt musical "system."
> Gunnar Garness
> ggarness@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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