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RE: [microsound] compassion for hard work
----------Original Message-----
-----From: christophe charles [mailto:charles@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
-----Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2000 7:41 PM
-----Reactions against violence and authoritarianism
-----should not be qualified as "petty gripes", in any context.
-----The music you heard at Podewil is in its principle against
-----hierarchy and centralism, it is meaningless to perform it
-----in a context where you ignore or accept authoritarianism.
When did art become merely a representation of, or a vehicle to transmit,
views on political and social theories? Even if art has been reduced to
such niche concerns it is debateable as to whether or not any of these
theories is inherently communicable through music to a listener who is
unfamiliar with them (or just not interested in them) As a design professor
of mine used to say, "just because you call something a turkey does not make
it a turkey." What you are calling "violence" and "authoritarianism" in
this case are hardly more than annoyances that come with the territory of
working as a professional in a world which you can not always expect to be
meet your expectations. You are simply being overdramatic and your claims
are stretches for even the most imaginative thinkers. Besides I hope you
feel that your own music has more relevance beyond being a reactionary
political statement about some sort of corrupt musical "system."
Gunnar Garness