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interesting quote

>i don't know if the "conferences dedicated to techniques and
>technological developments" & the "new music festivals" are so similar
>that we can interchange them in this quote.
you missed my point: both new 'music festivals' and 'conferences on
techniques and
>technological developments' fail to spark the dialog needed to advance
>aesthetic and ideological debate...

> but can we really seriously discuss aesthetics?
why not? this seems to happen a lot in art school, why not in
electro-acoustic music?

>ideology perhaps; but that's philosophy, & it doesn't have to be
>connected to music or art.


sound designer...composer
microsound hotline server: microsound.dyn.dhs.org

"the smooth always posseses a greater power of deterritorialization than
the striated."
   - Deleuze & Guattari