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Re: [microsound] compassion and weather...Oh dear!

Sorry to have upset u so much...but i think you misinterpret my words.
ill have a go at misinterpreting yours...

>I can sort of understand why nothing came of it.
Only sort of though...so if I were you I would avoid making too big a deal 
about it.

>but do you think it´s your call to tell other people they shouldn´t care?
That was not my intention...just writing about my opinion as does everybody 
else on the list.

>It´s strange. Some people display such an attitude towards this list it´s
>like they´ve been forced to join it by the great theorizer (the phonetic 
>to terrorizer is surely accidental).
I was invited to join the list...I enjoy the list, people here are very 
interesting and helpful...in fact I think you and I have even exchanged 
opinions as to the quality of MP3's and I found your opinions challenging, so 
much so that they made me rethink my own opinion ...I made no judgement as to 
the list whatsoever.
Im not sure I understand what you mean by accidental though...accidental that 
you wrote it (and that would surely be a disturbing situation for you), or a 
philological accident?

>And on what level is the "I really don´t give a toss" interesting? For
>the other  list members, I mean?
Its a colloquialism...it means I dont really care...it is unimportant to me. 
I hold up my hands and plead guilty to the crime of using the vernacular, and 
I do apologise.

>As for time on the list...I´ve been having some time on my hands lately.
>That´s just the way it goes, 
Thats all I asked. It was meant to be a half humurous half admiring 
statement, I am sorry if it comes across as sarcasm...it was definitely not 
intended as such.

with good humour
: )